The Pons Method: Focus on Staff Management:
One of the main problems that soccer teams usually face is getting all the people in a coaching staff to work as a whole, as what is in itself, the essence of soccer, and to do so they need the optimal tools to ensure that The best version of each one contributes exponentially to the success of the entire team.
Chris Argyris said that “one of the main problems that arises for individuals who interact in organizations is that the latter do not facilitate the self-realization of their organizational members.” If true, we are faced with the paradox of signing and attracting talent to our teams so that they cannot later release said talent. Isn’t that a contradiction?
Does this happen on your computer? Is there anything you could do differently to make it change? And if so, what would be the first step?
The Pons Method proposes working on training with the entire coaching staff in a fragmented way in some parts of the training but working as a whole, always respecting the principles of the Pons Method from the principle of specificity, of collective individualization, offering efficiency to the training while at the same time We masterfully respect the head coach’s game model.
Each player member of the staff must be treated in a different way, always taking into account their uniqueness, each one is a different person, to get the best out of them we must pay attention to the Principle of empathic synchronicity. ”
It is true that a good leader enhances the talent of the most talented, “but to do so he needs tools that facilitate change.
It is clear that each of the principles of the Pons Method helps and facilitates change, but without a doubt the Principle of Collective Individualization changes everything.
The Pons Method